Portrait of the artists as young parents
Article from Asheville Citizen-Times, June 2001.
'The Call' by Michele Mitchell was not a commissioned portrait but the result of a spontaneous sitting by a young model who had previously sat for Mitchell and entered the studio while she was working on a still life. She so inspired Michele with her lovely hat and wonderful demeanor that Mitchell requested she become the central figure of the painting that she was composing.
Michele Mitchell: The Portrait and Beyond
Article from The Portrait Signature, 2001.
Mitchell - "Dr. DeChamplain - a wonderful man I had the privilege to paint~ Dean at the College of Charleston Dental School with a rich military past~ wonderful conversations.. becoming good friends through the process of his sittings."
Michele Mitchell
Article from Western North Carolina Woman, April 2005.
Mitchell - "I loved the colors and beautiful harmonies throughout the composition as I painted this still life~ so rich.. I'm happy to know it now hangs in a lovely woman's home in England for her to enjoy what I was able to appreciate when I painted it."
Article from "The Chicago Art Scene" 1998
Mitchell - "Under the grapes is a wonderful mask of spring which I found in Italy during my travels... but the fruit was so vibrant the mask lost its beauty when measured with life... and the grapes now mask the mask.."
Lord of the Rings
Article written in the Asheville Citizen Times 2003
Universal Studios commissioned drawings to be used for the "Lord of the Rings". An article was done in relation when Mitchell was asked to give a lecture concerning the process of making the drawings.
The Art of the Portrait - The Portrait Society of America Michele Mitchell-Ostlund: An Artist's Journey
Mitchell - "Sarah ~ a woman who came into my studio and stood for a portrait with her lovely collections from around the world ~ while painting her dress I likened the experience to the exploration of Monet's manner of painting .. Following the completion of her portrait, through tears, she expressed to me that I had captured her essential nature.. and I felt privileged to have done so."
Classical Painting Atelier
A book published in 2008 ~an artist's perspective in culminating the atelier tradition
A book referencing the atelier process and aspects still being practiced today through picture-making from modern day artists who have been classically trained, including Michele Mitchell.
"Moving toward the Light"
Striving to Paint the soul
Article written in the Oak Leaves (a Chicago publication) 2001
"In the beginning" when a family was emerging..
"Mother and Daughter"
The Art of Portraiture
Article written in the Asheville Citizen Times
"Some thoughts of pursuing a portrait to be painted~ always an unfolding process"
Richard Lack Catalogue Raisonne'
A Raisonne' published in 2017
"I was given the honor of being a part of a wonderfully distinguished lineage and having the privilege to be included in the artistic journey of a wonderful master painter and mentor."